Cut Down Workload Reduce Your Support Costs

Your front desk team is spending hours with patients on calls and texts for the same things leading to inefficiency, long wait times and overflowing voicemail. Transform this today with Voiceoc’s Generative AI powered Voice & Text AI assistant.

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"Easy to Setup, Great Digital Experience for Our Patients"

The best part about Voiceoc is the team. Right from the founders to the support team, everyone is willing to go out of their way to help us anytime. They understand the importance and nuances of a healthcare services organisation which reflects in the ethos of Voiceoc.

Kabir Mahajan

Associate Director at Mahajan Imaging & Labs

Conversational AI Built For Enterprises Of All Sizes

Integrated With Your EHR, Voiceoc Automates All Your Patient Interactions

Human-like Voice & Text AI Assistant That Can Handle Unlimited Patient Interactions Simultaneously 24x7. It Integrates With Your EHR & Delivers Assistance Over Call Center System, Website, SMS And More.

Automate Appointment Related Outbound Calls

Save Time And Reduce Appointment No-Show

Automate outbound calls & texts to your patients for appointment reminders, confirmations and other related interactions in seconds.

Extended Functionalities

Drive Patient Engagement To The Next Level!

Voiceoc is loaded with the features that you would need to deliver a personalised & quick support to your patients 24x7

Human-like AI Experience

Say bye to ‘Robotic’ bots. Voiceoc communicates to your patients the way your front desk team member would do.

Seamless Human Handoff

Voiceoc is engineered to handle 90-95% incoming queries through AI and can intelligently direct the patients to the right agent as and when required. This guarantees an uninterrupted patient experience without any compromises.

Agents Can Revert by speech inputs

Agents Can Save Time By Communicating Through Voice Notes Instead Of Typing On The Dashboard.

Text AI Supports All languages

Enable your patients to interact in their preferred language—be it Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, or any other—across Voiceoc SMS and Web AI assistant platforms.

Integrates With Your EMR

Voiceoc can integrate with your EHR system to automate the entire process of patient record identification, appointment booking, and prescription support, reducing the need for staff intervention.

Quick Setup And Go Live

You can go live with Voiceoc in days and start reaping benefits by cutting down calls volume and improving front desk efficiency.

Gain Actionable Insights

Voiceoc dashboard lets you uncover actionable insights that can help you understand your patient behavior, discover areas of improvement and a lot more.

“Fantastic, Innovative & Human-like AI experience”

Voiceoc team helped us overcome one of the biggest challenges that we had which was todeliver immediate & personalized support to our patients and drive more bookings. The AI was very smart and gave a human-like experience to all our patients. It automated our entire process of appointment booking, customer support, and feedback.

Patrick Dasoberi

Patrick Dasoberi

Chief Technology Officer at CarePoint

“Voiceoc AI helped us deliver exceptional experience to our patients”

Voiceoc has robust features that fulfil all our needs. The team is very proactive and has
been very flexible with us. They have worked as a true partner and made sure that we get
value out of it. Voiceoc integration ecosystem is also very strong and that helped us make
the system live for use quickly.

Joji K Mathews

Joji K Mathews

Head Of Information Technology at KIMS Healthcare

“We're glad to have partnered with Voiceoc”

The conversational AI system helped us reduce incoming calls traffic and increase bookings.
Within a few months we could see the system handling close to 20% of our traffic.

Nadim Navde

Information Technology Director at Bahrain Specialist Hospital

“Best conversational AI for healthcare space”

Voiceoc team was very proactive. They designed a complete conversational
AI an helped us grow new booking & reduce calls traffic by 18%.

Dishant Gupta

Dishant Gupta

Associate General Manager at MAX Lab

Our Numbers Speak For Themselves

1 Million +

Monthly Patient Conversations

7x - 10.6x

ROI Achieved

91.37 %

Avg. Patient Satisfaction Score

90-95 %

Patient Queries Handled By AI

Voiceoc: Smartest Conversational AI For Hospitals & Labs To Engage With Their Patients

Smartest Converational AI For Hospitals to Engage With Patients

Top 30

Ranked Amongst “Top 30 startups”
by Inc 42 media in the month of April 2022

ROI calculator

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Success Now

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LLM Powered AI Assistant

Integrated With GPT 4 To Provide Reliable
Information To All Your Patient’s Questions

Harness the fusion of large language models with Voiceoc's unparalleled clarity. With GPT-4, enjoy limitless search and FAQ functionalities, revolutionising patient support. Deliver precise responses instantly while retaining complete control.

Integrated With GPT-4 To Provide Reliable Information To All Your Patient’s

Voiceoc Is HIPAA Compliant And Committed To Data Privacy & Security


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July 24, 2024

Top Healthcare Companies Using AI in 2024

Discover top healthcare companies using AI in 2024. Learn how they revolutionize patient care, diagnostics, and administration with advanced AI.

Overview of AI in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the healthcare industry by introducing innovative solutions that enhance patient care, streamline administrative tasks, and improve diagnostic accuracy.

AI-powered healthcare solutions, such as predictive analytics in healthcare and AI-driven diagnostics, are transforming the way medical professionals approach treatment and disease management.

From machine learning in healthcare to natural language processing in healthcare, these technologies enable faster, more accurate analysis of medical data, leading to better patient outcomes.

Importance of AI in Healthcare

The importance of AI in healthcare cannot be overstated. AI for medical imaging and AI in clinical trials have proven to be invaluable in detecting diseases early and optimizing treatment plans.

AI healthcare startups and established companies alike are leveraging AI to develop personalized medicine that is tailor-made to individual patient needs.

Moreover, AI for patient care has made significant strides, offering virtual health assistants and chatbots that provide real-time support and information to patients. This integration of AI in healthcare not only improves efficiency but also enhances the quality of care provided.

Must Read: Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Chatbot vs Conversational AI: A Must-Read

Top AI Healthcare Companies to Watch in 2024

11 AI Healthcare Companies Revolutionizing Medicine

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of revolutionizing the healthcare industry. Here are 11AI healthcare companies that are making significant strides in transforming patient care,diagnostics, and treatment.

1. Arterys

Arterys leverages AI for advanced medical imaging, providing precise analysis and diagnostic tools for conditions like liver and lung cancer.

● Their cloud-based platform integrates seamlessly with existing systems, offeringreal-time analytics and enhancing diagnostic accuracy.

2. Butterfly Network

Butterfly Network is revolutionizing ultrasound technology with its AI-powered, hand held device.

● This portable solution brings high-quality imaging to the point of care, enabling quick and accurate diagnoses in diverse settings.

3. Caption Health

Caption Health uses AI to assist in capturing and interpreting ultrasound images.

● Their software guides clinicians through the imaging process, ensuring optimal imagequality and helping detect conditions early, improving patient outcomes.

4. Cleerly

Cleerly focuses on AI-driven cardiovascular disease detection.

● Their innovative platform analyzes coronary CT angiography to identify plaque build-upand predict potential heart issues, enabling preventative care and tailored treatments.

5. CloudMedX

CloudMedX integrates AI with health data to provide predictive analytics and insights.

● Their platform helps healthcare providers make data-driven decisions, improving patient management and operational efficiency.

6. Corti

Corti uses AI to assist emergency medical services by analyzing emergency calls in realtime.

● The technology helps identify critical health conditions, such as cardiac arrests, allowing for faster and more accurate responses.

7. Enlitic

Enlitic employs deep learning in medical imaging to improve diagnostic accuracy. Their

● AI solutions analyze radiology images, assisting radiologists in identifying abnormalities and reducing diagnostic errors.

8. Komodo Health

Komodo Health uses AI to create a comprehensive healthcare map, tracking patient journeys and health outcomes.

● Their analytics platform provides valuable insights into disease progression and treatment efficacy.

9. Oncora Medical

Oncora Medical specializes in AI-driven oncology solutions.

● Their software integrates patient data with AI to personalize cancer treatment plans,aiming to enhance treatment effectiveness and patient quality of life.

10. Owkin

Owkin applies machine learning to biomedical research, accelerating drug discovery and development.

● Their AI models analyze vast datasets to uncover new insights, driving innovation in precision medicine.

Innovative Diagnostics

AI-driven Diagnostics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the diagnostic landscape in healthcare. AI-driven diagnostics enhance the speed and accuracy of medical diagnoses, helping healthcare professionals identify diseases earlier and more reliably.

Healthcare companies using AI are leading the charge, integrating machine learning and natural language processing into their diagnostic tools to provide unparalleled insights.

AI for Medical Imaging

AI for medical imaging is one of the most significant advancements in healthcare diagnostics.By leveraging AI, healthcare companies can analyze complex medical images quickly and with high precision.

This technology improves diagnostic accuracy and reduces the time needed for analysis,allowing for faster treatment decisions.

1. IDx: Diabetic Retinopathy with AI

● IDx utilizes AI to detect diabetic retinopathy in patients. Their AI-driven system analyzes retinal images, providing accurate and early detection of this potentially blindingcondition.

2. Aidoc: CT Brain Bleed Diagnosis

● Aidoc specializes in AI-powered solutions for radiology. Their technology helps detect brain bleeds from CT scans swiftly, assisting radiologists in making quicker, life-saving decisions.

3. iCAD: Breast Density Assessment via Mammography

● iCAD offers AI-driven breast density assessments through mammography. This technology aids in identifying breast cancer at an early stage, improving the chances of successful treatment.

4. QuantX: Detection of Breast Lesions

● QuantX, a pioneer in AI diagnostics, focuses on detecting breast lesions. Their AIsystem enhances the accuracy of lesion detection, supporting radiologists in providing better patient outcomes.

5. Imagen (Osteo Detect): Probe Wrist Fractures in Adult Patients

● Imagen's Osteo Detect utilizes AI to diagnose wrist fractures. By analyzing X-ray images,the AI system provides precise diagnoses, ensuring patients receive timely and appropriate care.

Must Read: Learn Today: Why Conversational AI Platforms for Healthcare Organizations Are Game Changers

Personalized Medicine
AI for Personalized Medicine

Artificial Intelligence (AI) transforms personalized medicine by enabling treatments tailored to individual patient needs. Healthcare companies leverage AI data from genetic profiles, medical histories, and lifestyle information to create personalized treatment plans.

This approach improves patient outcomes by providing targeted therapies and reducing adverse effects.

AI in Clinical Trials

AI in clinical trials is revolutionizing how new treatments are developed and tested.

Using AI to analyze vast datasets, researchers can identify potential trial candidates more efficiently, monitor patient progress in real-time, and predict trial outcomes. This leads to faster,more effective development of new medical treatments.

Examples of Personalized AI Solutions

1. Apple: Atrial Fibrillation (Afib) Detection

● Apple's integration of AI in their health monitoring devices, like the Apple Watch, allows for real-time detection of atrial fibrillation (Afib).

● This early detection helps in preventing severe cardiac events by alerting users to irregular heart rhythms, prompting timely medical intervention.

2. AliveCor: Atrial Fibrillation Detection via Apple Watch

● Alive Cor's Kardia Mobile uses AI to provide medical-grade ECGs that can be taken with a smartphone.

● This technology works seamlessly with the Apple Watch to detect atrial fibrillation,allowing users to monitor their heart health and seek medical advice when necessary.

Also Read: Everything you Need to Know About AI Appointment Setting

Remote Monitoring and Telemedicine

AI in Telemedicine

AI in telemedicine is transforming how healthcare is delivered. By integrating AI-powered healthcare solutions, medical professionals can provide remote consultations, diagnose conditions, and monitor patient health in real time.

This approach enhances accessibility, allowing patients to receive care without needing in-person visits.

Companies like CloudMedX use AI to analyze patient data, predict health outcomes, and recommend personalized treatment plans, making healthcare more efficient and effective.

AI-based Health Monitoring

AI-based health monitoring utilizes advanced technologies to track patient health continuously.Wearable devices with AI capabilities can monitor vital signs, detect anomalies, and alert healthcare providers to potential issues.

This proactive approach helps manage chronic conditions and prevent emergencies.

1. Wearables and Monitoring Devices

● Wearables and monitoring devices are integral to AI-based health monitoring.Smartwatches and fitness trackers powered by AI collect data on heart rate, sleep patterns, and physical activity.

● These devices provide valuable patient health insights, enabling timely interventions. Forinstance, Apple's Health app integrates AI to analyze data from the Apple Watch,offering personalized health recommendations.

2. Remote Patient Monitoring

● Remote patient monitoring (RPM) allows healthcare providers to track patient health remotely. AI plays a crucial role in RPM by analyzing data from various sources, such as wearables and home monitoring devices.

● This continuous monitoring helps in the early detection of health issues, ensuring thatpatients receive prompt care.

● Companies like Butterfly Network use AI to enhance remote diagnostic capabilities,providing high-quality ultrasound imaging that can be accessed and interpreted remotely.

Administrative Solutions

AI in Electronic Health Records

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing Electronic Health Records (EHR) by improving the efficiency and accuracy of data management. AI in electronic health records helps streamline administrative tasks, reduce errors, and enhance patient care.

Healthcare companies using AI are developing systems that can automatically update patient information, flag potential issues, and provide real-time insights to healthcare providers.

For instance, AI-powered platforms can analyze patient data to predict health trends, ensuring timely interventions and personalized care.

AI in Healthcare Administration

AI in healthcare administration is transforming how hospitals and clinics manage their operations.

By automating routine tasks such as scheduling, billing, and patient communications, AIreduces administrative burdens on healthcare staff, allowing them to focus more on patient care.

Predictive analytics in healthcare administration helps optimize resource allocation, staff scheduling, and supply chain management, ensuring that healthcare facilities operate smoothly and efficiently.

Predictive Analytics in Healthcare

Predictive analytics in healthcare leverages AI to analyze large datasets and forecast future trends. This technology enables healthcare providers to predict patient admissions, diseaseout breaks, and treatment outcomes.

By using predictive analytics, healthcare companies can develop proactive strategies to improve patient care and operational efficiency.

For example, predictive models can help identify patients at high risk of readmission, allowing for targeted interventions that reduce hospital readmission rates.

Also Read: 6 Best AI Driven Communication Tools for Enhancing Interaction and Responsiveness

Mental Health and AI

AI Applications in Mental Health

AI significantly impacts mental health care by providing innovative tools for diagnosis, treatment,and patient support. Healthcare companies using AI are developing applications that enhance the accessibility and effectiveness of mental health services.

These AI-driven solutions can analyze patient data, identify patterns, and recommend personalized treatment plans, making mental health care more efficient and tailored to individual needs.

Chatbots and Virtual Health Assistants

AI-powered chatbots and virtual health assistants are revolutionizing mental health support by offering immediate, accessible assistance.

These tools can provide real-time responses, guide patients through therapeutic exercises, and monitor their progress. Here are two notable examples:

1. Buoy Health: Health Diagnostic Chatbot

● Buoy Health's diagnostic chatbot uses AI to interact with patients, assess their symptoms, and recommend appropriate actions.

● Buoy Health provides users with personalized health information and advice by simulating a conversation with a healthcare professional, ensuring timely and accurate support.

2. San: The Artificial Intelligence Nurse Chatbot

● San is an AI-powered nurse chatbot designed to assist patients with their health needs.It supports managing chronic conditions, medication reminders, and mental healthcheck-ins.

● San's AI capabilities enable it to provide personalized care, making it a valuable tool forcontinuous patient support.

Health Data Security

Ensuring Data Privacy with AIData

privacy is a top priority for healthcare companies using AI. These companies can useadvanced AI algorithms to safeguard sensitive patient information against unauthorized access and breaches.

AI solutions enable real-time monitoring and threat detection, quickly identifying and mitigating any suspicious activity.

For example, machine learning models can analyze vast amounts of data to detect patterns indicative of potential security threats, helping to prevent data breaches before they occur.

AI in Healthcare Security Measures

AI in healthcare security measures provides robust protection for electronic health records(EHR) and other critical data. Healthcare companies use AI to implement encryption, securedata storage, and ensure compliance with regulations such as HIPAA.

Predictive analytics in healthcare security helps anticipate potential vulnerabilities and address them proactively.

AI-driven tools can automate the process of updating security protocols, ensuring that health care organizations stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

Elderly Care

AI Solutions for Elderly Care Artificial Intelligence

(AI) offers transformative solutions for elderly care, enhancing the quality of life and providing much-needed support for seniors.

Healthcare companies using AI develop technologies that monitor health, detect emergencies,and offer companionship.

AI-powered devices can track vital signs, detect falls, and alert care givers, ensuring timely interventions.

For example, wearable devices with AI capabilities monitor heart rates, sleep patterns, and physical activities, providing real-time data that helps in managing chronic conditions and maintaining overall health.

AI in Hospital Management

AI in hospital management is crucial for improving the efficiency and quality of care in healthcare facilities. AI-driven systems streamline administrative tasks, optimize resource allocation, and improve patient care coordination.

Predictive analytics in healthcare helps manage patient flow, reducing wait times and ensuring that resources are used effectively.

By analyzing data on patient admissions, discharges, and treatment outcomes, AI can help hospitals anticipate needs and respond proactively, enhancing the overall patient experience.

Voiceoc: Revolutionizing Patient Engagement

Overview of Voiceoc' AI Solutions

Voiceoc is transforming patient engagement with its innovative AI solutions.

By leveraging artificial intelligence, Voiceoc enhances the way healthcare providers interact with patients,making the process more efficient and personalized.

From appointment bookings to post-treatment support, Voiceoc's AI-driven platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to improve patient experience and streamline healthcare operations.

Enhancing Appointment Bookings and Reminders

Voiceoc's AI solutions excel in managing appointment bookings and reminders. The platform automates scheduling, sending timely reminders to patients about upcoming appointments. This not only reduces no-shows but also optimizes the workflow for healthcare providers.

The intelligent system can handle rescheduling and cancellations, ensuring that the appointment process is seamless and efficient.

Streamlining Patient Support and Post-Treatment Engagement

Voiceoc also plays a crucial role in streamlining patient support and post-treatment engagement. The AI-powered system provides patients with 24/7 support, answering queries and offering guidance on post-treatment care.

This continuous engagement helps monitor patient recovery and promptly address any concerns, thereby improving overall patient satisfaction and outcomes.

Integrations and Security Features

Voiceoc ensures seamless integration with existing healthcare systems, making it easy for providers to adopt and implement its solutions. The platform prioritizes data security, adhering to the highest standards to protect patient information.

With robust encryption and compliance with healthcare regulations, Voiceoc guarantees that patient data is secure and privacy is maintained.

Future of AI in Healthcare

Where is AI Going in Healthcare?

The future of AI in healthcare is promising and expansive. Healthcare companies using AI are continually pushing the boundaries to develop more sophisticated and effective solutions.

AI's role in healthcare is evolving to include more personalized patient care, predictive analytics,and advanced diagnostic tools.

Innovations such as AI-driven clinical decision support systems and robotic surgery are becoming more prevalent, improving patient outcomes and operational efficiency.

Integrating AI with other technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain is expected to enhance healthcare delivery and security further.

Emerging Trends in AI Healthcare

Emerging trends in AI healthcare highlight the transformative potential of this technology.Predictive analytics in healthcare is one of the most significant trends, enabling early disease detection and personalized treatment plans.

Another key trend is the rise of AI-powered telemedicine, which provides remote patient monitoring and virtual consultations, making healthcare more accessible.

Additionally, AI plays a crucial role in drug discovery and development, accelerating the process of bringing new treatments to market.The use of AI in medical imaging continues to grow, with advancements in image analysis improving diagnostic accuracy and speed.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has profoundly transformed the healthcare industry, enhancing patient care, operational efficiency, and diagnostic accuracy. Healthcare companies using AI have integrated advanced technologies into various aspects of healthcare delivery.

AI-powered healthcare solutions, such as predictive analytics and machine learning in healthcare, enable early disease detection, personalized treatments, and improved patient outcomes.

Voiceoc exemplifies the innovative use of AI in patient engagement, enhancing appointment bookings, patient support, and data security. As we look to the future, AI's role in healthcare willonly expand, driven by emerging trends and continuous technological advancements.

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"70% queries were automated"

Out BOT AI saw some great responses & traction in Q1. Over 70% queries were managed by the bot & engaged thousands of customers monthly.

Rubina Memon

DGM Service Quality & Process Excellence at Agilus Diagnostics

Improve Front Desk Efficiency

Cut Down Support Costs & Improve Patient Experience